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A Message from Bob Proctor
Do You See Patterns in Your Results?

If so, there’s only one way to break that pattern. We need to get to the root cause that created this pattern in the first place. We have to get to the 'Paradigm' (also known as the Blueprint of your thinking or your 'Operating System') of habits that you’ve built over all these years, and we have to change it into something that’s going to serve you, instead of keeping you stuck where you are, only to see the same dreaded results show up again and again.


This wheel of lack, hard work and exhaustion is one that over 90% of people are stuck in – and ironically, it’s simply because they don’t know how to change the habitual thoughts, patterns and behaviours that keep them there!


Think about this for a minute: How many seminars, courses, and speakers have given you certain activities to follow for 30, 60 or even 90 days? How hard was it to stay consistent? Did you find yourself procrastinating, or simply just forgetting about it, only to continue to remain stuck with a lack of results? The 'same old, same old'?


Now think about this. How many times do we take action in our business or life that we know we shouldn’t (procrastination, worry, etc)…but we do it anyway? Isn’t that SO frustrating? Why the heck can’t we stop ourselves? We WANT to create a successful, fulfilled life… but why aren’t we taking the right ACTION to attract the right kind of thinking, habits, flow of people, more money, and ultimately change more lives around us- including, most importantly- our own?!




Because whether we like it or not, we are PROGRAMMED to remain within our 'Comfort Zone'. Attracting our ideal life requires a shift in the way we think, it requires us to fumble and fall and allow ourselves to make mistakes; but our old logic won’t take that very well. It will do everything it can to stop us.



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