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Passionate About Inspiring Others

After a while, I wandered around and came across a small kiosk selling the usual items; gum, pop, chips, newspapers and I stumbled upon a book rack where I saw a book title, 'Notes from a Friend' by a guy named Anthony Robbins. I guess you could say that in that moment, my world changed and I became aware of my ability to shape my destiny- if it was to be, it was up to me! The book shifted my thinking so much so that it altered my game plan of remaining in a career in law enforcement and slowly and surely with more and more study of Robbins and other great 'Success Mentors' that I had discovered, I enrolled in the Business Program in my home town's University to pursue something that would give me an outlet for continued growth and learning. My adventure had begun!!


Fast forward to present day and I find myself looking back at the wonderful experiences I've had so far and how many 'firsts' I've been able to enjoy by constantly challenging my own limiting beliefs and boundaries. You see, we are either growing or dying and it's the pursuit of a worthy goal that pulls us in the direction of our dreams rather than the 'push' of having to go to work, pay the bills and get through the week- that's NOT living either! After taking countless personal growth and development courses, buying CDs and DVDs, online courses, flying all over North America to attend conferences and training, after each event or lesson- I discovered that my old habits, patterns and behaviours kicked in and BOOM! I was right back to the level I had been at before... a plateau. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to get from where you are to where you want to be and actually knowing what to do and yet still fail to achieve the desired results! How could this be?! Well... for me and thousands of others- Bob Proctor appeared when the student was ready to receive the lesson. Bob Proctor has assembled over 61+ years of training into this 14 week program and it will take you through a journey of self-discovery that will ultimately unlock your fullest potential! You see, no matter where you go, there you are! Sales organizations spend over $60Billion each year training it's executives and yet it is the same 10% who rise to the top. This is the difference that 'Thinking Into Results' has over any other training program- it addresses the one common denominator in your success- YOU! It will help you to identify why you do what you do when you know what you know, get 'un-stuck' from the existing patterns and habitual behaviours and thinking that stops you from breaking through your 'terror barrier' and get to what it is that you truly, truly want! *(and by the way, MOST people couldn't clearly identify what they really, truly want or have Goals for that matter!). 


So... I guess you could say that I am a 'Product of the Product', I'm so immersed in this material now that I actually went out and sought training exclusively with Bob Proctor himself! That's how dedicated I am to this program and I have no doubt that you have an abundance of untapped potential inside that you would amaze yourself if you were to put it into action! Success is a funny word- so many of us equate it with financial riches or social standing- you need to define success on your own terms and what that would be. Once you've done that, you can start your own personal journey toward a life of fulfillment and success- whatever that means to you!


You've got one life to live so why not make it a Masterpiece? I would welcome the privilege to help you get on the path you've chosen and unleash your full potential, break through your limiting beliefs and reach your highest and best self!  

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek!"
Unleash Your Inner-Warrior!

Inside each and every one of us lies a Warrior. Is yours living in the shadows? Is your Warrior locked away, hidden behind fear, uncertainty and self-doubt? Let me help you to get crystal clear on breaking the thinking that holds you back and create new and exciting opportunities for your life. 

Success is not a secret- it's a System!

'Thinking into Results' is one-of-a-kind system in the field of human potential developed by world-renowned success expert Bob Proctor and legendary corporate attorney Sandy Gallagher, it is the most powerful process EVER created for quickly and permanently transforming ANY goal, dream, or desire into reality. 'Thinking Into Results' is building the motivation, effectiveness and entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, teams and corporations the world over. It applies 61+ years of intensive research into the science and mechanics of personal achievements: what really makes successful people successful. It’s phenomenal and the wonderful thing about 'Thinking Into Results' is that it’s all directed toward you, your goals, your growth, your team and your results.
it is the most powerful process EVER created for quickly and permanently transforming ANY goal, dream, or desire into reality!

As a Certified Instructor, I facilitate Bob Proctor’s proven methodology to spark dramatic change in your performance and your results. These teachings are based on more than 61 years of real-world experience and tremendous success. And you’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals who are moving toward their goals and dreams, and helping others do the same. Imagine discovering even more of your real potential, and finally living a life with no restrictions – the exact life you really want.

The truth is, most people do not know the cause of their results and the cause of their results is the Paradigm. We’ve all had those experiences where we go and learn something new only to find ourselves weeks down the track defaulting to our hold habits and behaviours. The problem is, most training is based around getting people to know more, but knowing more does not equal better results. We need to close the gap between what we know and what we do. But how do we do that? We need to create a paradigm shift. One of the reasons why 'Thinking Into Results' is so extraordinarily effective is because it’s an organized process to facilitate change and a Quantum Leap in performance. 'Thinking Into Results' creates a quick and permanent paradigm shift for individuals and teams because it targets the subconscious mind – where our habits, our beliefs, our self-image and ultimately our results are created.

Regardless of what we are doing, we can always do it better. Better is a good word. It takes no more energy to produce extremely effective results as it does to produce mediocre results. 'Thinking Into Results' is designed to help you improve whatever it is you are doing.

'Thinking Into Results' is a proven system to organize your thoughts, feelings and actions in line with the results you desire to have. Through the power of repetition it quickly and permanently closes the gap between where you are and where you really want to be. It enables a Paradigm Shift and a quantum leap to take place.

'Thinking Into Results' is delivered over 14 weeks. Each individual gets their own digital program and access to 12 lessons through a secure online portal, participant’s guide, worksheets, the Facebook group and weekly webinars with me. The material is studied on a daily basis for best results. What you quickly find is you look forward to this ‘thinking space’ that is created just by listening to the lessons. And each day you become more effective at shifting the Paradigm and closing the knowing-doing gaps to get the results you want.

'Thinking Into Results' is without question the most powerful personal and professional transformational program you will find anywhere in the world and you will love having it in your business and in your life.

Step out from the shadows and unleash your Inner-Warrior!

Call Chris today for a confidential, free consultation about the program today @ 778.966.6988.


I look forward to talking with you soon!

  • Thinking Into Results Certified Facilitator; trained directly with Bob Proctor

  • Certified Negotiation Expert- C.N.E. Institute

  • Have trained with Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Richard Robbins, Brian Buffini and attend frequent Master Minds with Top Producers on a consistent basis

  • Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree

Qualifications & Achievements
  • Two Decades as a Consistently Ranked Top 1% Realtor in Canada

  • Active Real Estate Investor for more than two decades

  • Rookie of the Year and Top Performer as a Fortune 500 Sales Executive with companies such as; Xerox, Adobe and IKON

  • Guest Speaker and Mentor for Real Estate Organizations

  • Years-long fitness enthusiast and former athlete

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